The Cold War
David S Painter
Not Available
David Painter
Dividing and Uniting Germany
Jürgen Thomaneck and 1 more
Communism and its Collapse
Stephen University of Glasgow and 1 more
The Uniting of Europe
Stanley Henig
Pacific Asia
Yumei formerly of University of Luton and 1 more
Raymond Betts and 2 more
Raymond F Betts
Terrorists and Terrorism
David J formerly at the University of Teesside and 1 more
Terrorists and Terrorism in the Contemporary World
David J Whittaker
Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the Contemporary World
US Foreign Policy since 1945
Alan Dobson and 2 more
Conflicts in the Middle East Since 1945
Beverley MiltonEdwards and 1 more
Southern Africa
Jonathan formerly at the Royal Naval College and 2 more
The Extreme Right in Europe
Paul University of Ulster and 1 more
The Extreme Right in Western Europe
Paul Hainsworth
China and the World since 1945
Peter Schat
The International Economy since 1945
Sidney Pollard
United Nations in the Contemporary World
Thatcher and Thatcherism
Eric J Evans
International Economic Relations Since 1945
Catherine R Schenk
International Economic Relations since 1945
Catherine R University of Glasgow and 1 more
From Soviet Union to Russia
Catherine Danks
Human Rights in Modern Times
Joyce Apsel
China and the World Since 1945
Chikwan Mark